My last post was right before my final deadline to turn in a complete manuscript for Take Care Tips. I got everything in on time, the pros, my friends at St. Lynn's Press did their polishing and tweaking, and the book went to print.
A behind the scenes look at a new book that will give you 101 Guilt-Free Tips to help you to care for yourself while you're taking care of others.
Caregiving and sleep deprivation can go hand in hand. Our bodies desprately need sleep though, and it's important to try to find ways to increase the length and better the quality of sleep. The Take Care! chapter on Sleep has been keeping me up at nights lately.
I've been finding out some really interesting facts about the critical role that sleep plays in our lives. I've come across some pretty startling statistics about sleep---actually lack of sleep---too:
---The National Institutes of Health estimates 30 million Americans are living with chronic sleep problems.
---A conservative estimate states that 100,000 car crashes a year can be blamed on drowsy drivers.
---People who regularly get less than six hours of sleep a night die younger than those who get more sleep a night.
We work hard during the day and our body-machines need rest to recharge and recuperate. Studies on professional caregivers: doctors, nurses, physician assistants, etc.' show that percentages of errors in medical treatment go up when the professionals are on schedules that leave them sleep-deprived.
If the medical community is recognizing that they need to do what they can to restructure schedules so that well-rested teams are fully prepared to treat sick patients, we family caregivers should certainly pay attention. This is a clear cut example of the need for us to care for ourselves so that we can take care of others.
Gathering Ten Minute Tips for this chapter has been fun. I've learned about supposed sleep-inducing snacks, mental exercises, and even toe wiggling techniques!
Are you sleeping well? Please share your comments and caregiving stories with me.
Now that's enough...get to bed!
He told me that if he could offer caregivers a ten minute tip, it would be to use that time to get on the phone and schedule an important appointment for themselves.
Sounds like good advice to me...think about making that call.
Christine and I got to talk about the Ten Minute Tip concept behind Take Care! She has such a good perspective and inside knowledge on caregivers, and caregiving issues. I was eager to hear what she thinks about the book. Here's what she had to say:
That's what I like to hear! Thank you Christine---and everyone at the Variety Camp! The experience will stay with me for a long time.